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For More Information
Site maintained by
Intersex Initiative (IPDX)
Support Intersex Groups
In the January 2001 press release, V-DAY endorsed the work of intersex movement and urged V-DAY programs to contribute a portion of their proceeds to help end the intersex genital mutilation.
Today, there are two national organizations that can accept contributions from campus V-DAY projects. They are Intersex Society of North America in Seattle, Washington and Bodies Like Ours in New Jersey. We strongly urge campus V-DAY chapters to check out these groups and consider designating them as their (partial) beneficiary. If you are interested in finding out more, please contact us.
Intersex Initiative (IPDX) is another major intersex activist group operating this website. Unfortunately, Intersex Initiative is unable to receive V-DAY contributions because it does not have the 501(c)3 status. (However, you can order materials or make individual contributions at this site.)